Giving directions in english

Asking for and giving directions

Asking for directions

  • Excuse me, could you tell me how to get to ____?
  • Excuse me, do you know where the ____ is?
  • I'm looking for ____
  • Is this the right way to ____?
  • Is this the way to ?
  • Can you show me on the map here?
  • How do I get to ____?
  • What's the best way to ____?
  • Where is ____?


  • Yes, sure.
  • Yes, certainly.
  • Yes, or course.
  • Yeah, no problem.


  • I'm sorry, I don't know.
  • I’m sorry, I’m not from here.
  • I’m afraid I can’t help you.
  • Sorry, I don’t know much around here.

Giving directions

  • The easiest way is to…
  • The quickest way is to…
  • The best way is to…
  • Go straight on ____ Street.
  • Go along ____ Street.
  • Go down ____ Street.
  • Follow ____ Street for 300 metres / until you get to (reach) the church.
  • Turn left / right into ____ Street.
  • Take the first (or second, third) turning on the right / left.
  • Take the first / second road on the left / right
  • Go past the cinema.
  • Go along the river.
  • Go over the bridge.
  • Go through the park.
  • Go towards the supermarket.
  • Go up the hill.
  • Go down the hill.
  • Cross ____ Street.
  • Turn back.
  • Go back.

Pointing location

  • The ____ is opposite the church.
  • The ____ is between the church and the pet shop.
  • The ____ is on/at the corner.
  • The ____ is in front of the church.
  • The ____ is behind the church.
  • The ____ is next to the church.
  • The ____ is beside the church.
  • The ____ is near the church.


  • First
  • After that
  • Then
  • Next
  • When you get to ____ go ____
  • Finally

Other phrases

  • Follow me. I’ll show you the way.
  • Do you want me to show you this on a map?
  • It’s just around the corner.
  • It’s not far.
  • It’s a bit of a way.
  • It takes a while.
  • It’s about a five minute walk.
  • It’s about a twenty minute bus ride.For a driver
  • Stay in the left / right lane.
  • Turn right at the next street.
  • Get in the right lane.
  • Go one more block. Then turn right.
  • At the next traffic lights turn ____
  • It’s going to be on your right.


Giving Directions

This lesson teaches students how to give directions in English by using a map to let students practice describe where buildings are located and then give and follow geographical directions to locate specific buildings.


  • To give students practice in describing the location of places.
  • To teach prepositions and prepositional phrases as used to describe location
  • To practice asking and answering questions about locations
  • To give authentic practice in asking for and giving directions in a town or a city


  • Map of Downtown Imagineville
  • Giving Directions Worksheet
  • A map of your town. Open Street Map ( is a great resource to print road maps of a particular town or neighborhood or even region)
  • Extra blank city maps You can use these maps to make your own exercises if you want to target particular vocabulary or give students extra practice.

Warm Up

  1. Start by asking students where you can buy good vegetables. When they give you the name of a store, ask them where it is. Listen to the problems they have giving directions in English.

  2. When students give you imprecise information, ask them to clarify or if they give wrong information, call them out on it. You might say something such as, “Next to the train station? That’s an office building, isn’t it? I can’t buy vegetables at an Italian restaurant.

  3. Ask for a few more places. Remember to ask for the location and challenge them to be precise and accurate. This is a great chance for authentic communication with your students as you can ask for places that you genuinely want to go to.

    You’ll get the whole class arguing over the location and then correcting each other’s directions.

When I’m in another country, I often ask my students:

  • Where can I go to meet other expats?
  • Where can I buy macaroni and cheese?
  • Where can I buy frozen vegetables?
  • Where can I buy nice clothes?
  • Where is there a good Italian restaurant?
  • Where can I get a screwdriver? (or whatever tool or spare part I might need to fix something at home)


  1. Now hand out the Map of Downtown Imagineville. Call on students one at a time to find the locations below, eliciting the street and the corner street as well as what it is next to or across from.

Students can do this as a whole class or in small groups.


Introduce giving directions by asking a few of them how to go from their home to school.

You can view a more comprehensive preview and purchase the entire lesson at my Teachers Pay Teachers Store: Where Is It? Lesson Plan: Practice Giving Directions on a Map. I always want to hear how people use these lessons in their classrooms and how I can improve my lessons, so feel free to leave me a comment here or feedback at my store!


Teaching English as a second language — Giving Directions in English

Giving Directions in English

1st Avenue, 2nd Avenue, 3rd Avenue, Martin Road, park, museum, bank, drug store, school, café, taxi stand, train station.

Hello and welcome to how to give directions in English. Now generally grammar that you'll need is; go straight, turn left, turn right, onto … what street. Ok so let's just have a few examples here.

So we're starting out here, is where we are, and we ask somebody, «excuse me can you tell me how to get to the train station, which is here. You could say; go down 2nd Avenue, then turn left onto Long Road and it's on the right, it's on the right.

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Ok? Or we could just say go down 2nd Avenue for one, two, three streets, three roads, and it's on the left.

Ok? How do we get to the taxi stand? Ok we could go down A Street, take the first right onto 1st Avenue, go down 1st Avenue, it's between Smith Street and Long Road on the right, and we call this a block, it's in the middle of the block. Ok? Another way, we could go down 2nd Avenue, turn left onto Smith Street, go down Smith Street, then turn right onto 1st Avenue, it's in the middle of the block on the right. Ok? Now, how do we get to  the park?

We could go down A Street, turn left onto 3rd Avenue, go down 3rd Avenue, it's just past Martin Road, on the right. Or we could say go down 2nd Avenue take your, one two, third right onto Long Road, it's at the end of the road. Ok?

How do we get to the library?
We go down 2nd Avenue, take your first, second right onto Smith Street, it's at the end of the street. Or, we could go down A Street take a left onto 3rd Avenue, it's in the middle of the second, first second block on the right. Right, left on the right.

Excuse me how do I get to the museum? Go down 2nd Avenue, turn right onto Long Road, it's in the middle of the block on the right. Ok? Excuse me how do I get to the taxi stand? Go down 2nd Avenue turn left onto Smith Street, turn right onto 1st Avenue, it's on the right, in the middle of the block.

How do I get to the café? I can turn left here and go down A Street, turn right onto 1st Avenue, it's at the end of the second block, first, second block on the right. Or I go down 2nd Avenue, turn left onto Smith Street, it's at the end of the block on the left. Left, right.

Excuse me how do I get to the drug store?

Go down A Street, take the first left onto 3rd Avenue, it's on the left in the middle of the block.

And how do I get to the museum? I can either go down 2nd Avenue, take the one two third right onto Long Road, it's between 2nd Avenue and 3rd Avenue in the middle of the block on the right. Or I can just go down 2nd Avenue, turn right onto Long Road, it's in the middle of the block on the right. How do I get to the train station?


It's, one two three four, it's the fourth block on the left. Go down 2nd Avenue, you'll see it fourth block, one two three four. Fourth block on the left.

How do I get to the school?
Go down A Street, take your first right onto 1st Avenue. It's in the middle of the block on the right.

How do I get to the bank? Just go straight down 2nd Avenue. It's between Flower Road and Smith Street on the right. Or, how do I get to the bank?

It's the second block, first, second block on the right? Ok?

How do I get to the café? Go down A Street, it's at the end of the first, second block on the right.

Ok? So good luck with giving directions in English.

A Closer look.

How do I get to the school?
Go down A Street, turn right onto 1st Avenue, it's in the middle of the block on the right.

How do I get to the café?
Go down 2nd Avenue, turn left onto Smith Street, it's at the end of the block on the left.

How do I get to the park? Which is up here. Ok. I go down 2nd Avenue, all the way down to Long Road, turn right onto Long Road. It's at the end of the road.

Or, I could say go down A Street, turn left onto 3rd Avenue, go down 3rd Avenue, you'll see it between Smith Street and Long Road on the right. Or it's between Martin Road and Long Road on the right.


How do I get to the library?
Go down A Street, turn left onto 3rd Avenue, it's in the middle of the 1st, 2nd block on the right.

How do I get to the museum?
I could say, go down 2nd Avenue, turn right onto Long Road, it's in the middle of the block on the right.

How do I get to the train station? Go down 2nd Avenue, it's just after Long Road on the left. How do I get to the train station? How do I get to the train station, which is here.

I could say, go down 2nd Avenue, it's just past Long Road on the left.

How do I get to the café?
I could either go down A Street, turn right onto 1st Avenue, it's between Flower Road and Smith Street on the right, at the end of the block.

How do I get to the library?
I could go down 2nd Avenue, then turn right onto Smith Street. It's at the end of the street. Or, I could go down A Street, turn left onto 3rd Avenue, it's in the middle of the block between Flower Road and Martin Road. Or, it's at the end of Smith Street in the middle of the block.

How do I get to the taxi stand?
I could go down A Street, turn right onto 1st Avenue, it's in the middle of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd block on the right.

How do I get to the drug store? Go down A Street, turn left onto 3rd Avenue, you'll see it in the middle of the block on the left.

Ok, good luck with teaching directions in English.



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How to Give Directions

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You know how to ASK for directions, but what happens when an English speaker asks YOU for directions. This is not a time for small talk. Give only basic directions with short phrases. Do the best you can.

Questions you may hear
How do I get to Main Street?
Where is the closest gas station?
Can you tell me where the community centre is?
I’m looking for Jane Street.
Are you from around here?

If you know the way…
Use basic English to offer directions. Short phrases are best. Speak slowly and use very careful pronunciation. Spell out a word if necessary.

The easiest way is to… The quickest way is to…

The best way is to…

go + direction (right, left, down, up, through) take + road name turn + right/left

stay on + road name for + distance or time

The easiest way is to go right on Commercial Avenue.
The quickest way is to take Road Number 1.
The best way is to turn right on Main Street.
Stay on Route 1 for about ten minutes.

Use transitions
Separate each leg of the route with a transition.

after that then next when you get to…go…


Offer “Ballpark Figures” (rough estimates of time or length of travel)
Some people feel better knowing how long it will take to get from A to B.

It’s just around the corner (not far). It’s not far. It’s a bit of a way. (it takes a while) It’s about a five minute walk.

It’s about a twenty minute bus ride.

Use landmarks
Tell the person what to watch for.

You will see a large clock on the right. You will pass a gas station.

It’s across from the blue church.

More useful language It’s on + street name It’s across from It’s opposite It’s near

It’s around the corner from

Offer warnings Stay in the right lane. It’s a very busy road. It’s a big hill. (if they are walking or on a bike) There might be construction. If you pass the … you went too far.

There’s no parking.

Repeat yourself
If YOU repeat the directions again, the other person will feel more confident. Repeat important details including street names and turns. You can also ask the other person to repeat the directions back to you.

If you are in the car with the driver…
Give a lot of warning.

Turn right at the next street Get in the left lane. Go one more block. Then turn right. At the next traffic lights turn…

It’s going to be on your right.

Make sure that the other person understood your directions. Say: “Did you get all that?

If you don’t know the way…
Don’t guess! Don’t just shake your head and walk away. Use one of these phrases:

I’m sorry, I’m not from here. I’m afraid I can’t help you.

Sorry I don’t know my way around here.

Offer another solution You could ask the bus driver. Ask the front desk clerk. Follow me. I’ll show you the way.

Do you want me to draw you a map?

“Read the directions and directly you will be directed in the right direction.”
(Alice in Wonderland)


Useful Expressions for Asking and Giving Directions in English

Useful expressions for asking and giving directions in English you should learn.

You will find these English expressions useful if you are lost or want to get to a particular place or give directions to others.


Asking and Giving Directions

Asking for Directions

  • How can I get to …?
  • Where is the …?
  • How far is the … from the …?
  • Is there a … around here?
  • Could you tell me how to get to …?
  • How do I find …?
  • Pardon me, I’m lost. how do I get to …?
  • Which is the best way to …?
  • Could you direct me to …?
  • Which way do I go to get to …?
  • What’s the best way to …?
  • Excuse me, do you know where the … is?
  • Is this the right way for …?

Giving Directions

  • Go straight ahead.
  • Turn back./Go back.
  • Turn left/right.
  • Go along …
  • Cross …
  • Take the first/second road on the left/right.
  • It’s on the left/right.
  • Go past.
  • The easiest way is to …
  • The best way is to …
  • It’s on the corner
  • It’s in the middle of the block.

Examples of Asking and Giving Directions

1. A: Excuse me sir. Is there a bank around here?

    B: Yes, there is one right across the street next to Library.

2. A: Can you give me directions to the petrol station?

    B: Of course I will, just follow this road until you come to the main road. Turn right and then continue for about 100 metres. You will see the petrol station on the left.

3. A: Is there a bank near here?

    B: Yes, there is one in Orange Street. Orange Street is the third road on your right.

4. A: Excuse me, where is the School?

    B: It is across from the police office.

5. A: Excuse me! Could you tell me where the nearest bank is, please?

    B: Walk two blocks and turn left at the bookstore. The bank will be across the street, next to the post office.

   A: Is it far from here?

   B: No, it’s just a ten-minute walk.

   A: Thank you very much.

   B: You’re welcome.

Asking and Giving Directions | Image


Giving directions in English lesson

This lesson you will be learning how to give directions to another person when they ask you for directions on how to go somewhere.  and also give examples of how to ask for directions as well. 

Important verbs and prepositions when giving directions

Asking somebody for directions

** Hint The key words are highlighted ** 

Questions you can ask about directions

Can you please tell me how I can get to Oxford Street?

Where is the nearest supermarket?

How can I get to the  local market?

I'm trying to get to Downing Street.

How do I get to the office?

What's the best way to get to your house next ?

Where is Mc Donalds can you tell me please?

How to give directions to somebody else 

Go straight on till you see the hospital then turn left.

Turn back, you have gone past the turning.

Turn left when you see a roundabout.

Turn right at the end of the road and my house is number 67.

Cross the junction and keep going for about 1 mile.

Take the third road on the right and you will see the office on the right

Take the third road on the right and you will see the shop on the left

Take the second road on the left and you will see the house on the left

Take the second road on the left and you will see the hospital straight ahead

The hospital is opposite the railway station.

The shop is near the hospital.

The house is next to the local cricket ground.

The shop is in between the chemist and KFC.

At the end of the road you will see a roundabout.

At the corner of the road you will see red building.

Just around the corner
is my house you will need to stop quickly or you will miss it.

Go straight on at the traffic lights.

turn right at the crossroads.

Follow the signposts for Manchester.

Giving directions conversation

When giving directions to someone it is best to use short basic English sentences. Speak slowly when talking to the other person and spell out words if they don't understand and if possible draw a map.

Mr Bean : — Please tell me how I get to your apartment?

Mrs Smith: — Are you coming by car or by bus?

Mr Bean : — I am coming by car.

Mr Bean : — Please could you tell me the easiest way of getting to your apartment?

Mrs Smith: — Take the M6 to Manchester and come of at junction 6

Mr Bean : — Manchester can you spell that for me

Mrs Smith: — M a n c h e s t e r

Mr Bean : — Thanks

Mrs Smith: —  OK, then turn right at the roundabout and take the first left my house is on the left next to the local food store.

Mr Bean : — Is that the quickest way of getting to your apartment?

Mrs Smith: — Yes, it is the quickest way by car.

Mr Bean : — Would you draw me a map please I don't know the area.

Mrs Smith: — Yes.

Mr Bean : — Thanks.

And finally some tips

Speak slowly so the other person can understand.

Speak slowly so the other person can write down the instructions if talking on the phone.

When speaking with someone, use your hands to demonstrate what you mean,  left, right, or straight on.

Always try and use the word «please»


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