Книга Три поросенка на английском языке / the three little pigs

три поросенка сказка на английском

5:39 Книга Три поросенка на английском языке / the three little pigs Три поросенка. Сказка на английском языке с субтитрами.



8:44 Книга Три поросенка на английском языке / the three little pigs



8:27 Книга Три поросенка на английском языке / the three little pigs » Три поросенка» сказка на английском языке



18:41 Книга Три поросенка на английском языке / the three little pigs Мультик-сказка Три поросенка Михалков



3:31 Книга Три поросенка на английском языке / the three little pigs Сказки на английском. Три поросенка.



5:21 Книга Три поросенка на английском языке / the three little pigs три поросенка сказка на английском языке



12:32 Книга Три поросенка на английском языке / the three little pigs Сказка три поросенка на английском



6:10 Книга Три поросенка на английском языке / the three little pigs Сказка три поросенка на англ яз



4:16 Книга Три поросенка на английском языке / the three little pigs Три поросенка на английском языке



4:51 Книга Три поросенка на английском языке / the three little pigs Английский для детей: Читаем сказку «Три поросёнка»



9:10 Сказка «Три поросёнка» на английском языке



15:07 «три поросенка» Мюзикл в детском саду. На англ. языке



17:51 ТРИ ПОРОСЁНКА Сказки для детей АУДИО СКАЗКИ



6:09 ДЕТСКАЯ СКАЗКА на английском языке «The 3 little pigs»



3:27 Сказка на английском языке — «Три поросенка»



22:52 Сказки in English — Три поросенка



20:22 Три поросенка. Сказки от Аннушки



The Three Little Pigs. Оригинальная книга на английском языке, Usborne

Оригинальная книга на английском языке — не адаптированное издание! Детская книга со сказкой Три поросёнка, в оригинальном исполнении. От вариантов текстов-адаптаций отличается — читать гораздо интереснее.Книга Три поросенка на английском языке / the three little pigsThe Three Little Pigs. Издательство: Usborne.

  • Издательство: Usborne
  • Серия: Usborne First Reading
  • Автор книги — Davidson Susanna
  • Книга + озвучка (Audio CD) — книга с диском

A popular title from the bestselling Usborne Reading Programme repackaged to offer extra support for English Language learners and teachers. Comes with a CD, which contains full readings of the text and sample phrases by native speakers in both British English and American English, as well as downloadable teacher's notes and worksheets.

In this classic fairy tale, the three little pigs leave home and build their own houses — one of straw, one of sticks and one of bricks. But what will happen when the big, bad wolf comes calling?

Книга Три поросенка на английском языке / the three little pigsДиск с озвучкой книги закреплён на форзаце.Книги в серии — небольшого формата (как школьные тетрадки, только чуть поуже), в твёрдых переплётах, очень красочные — замечательные смешные иллюстрации.

Размеры книги — 130×196, 68 страниц, плотная бумага внутри.

Usborne — Британское издательство. Издательство публикует почти весь спектр детской литературы для детей от рождения и до подросткового возраста.

The Three Little Pigs. Оригинальная книга

Книга Три поросенка на английском языке / the three little pigs

Автор книги — Davidson Susanna, пересказ знакомой всем сказки Три поросёнка для детей на английском языке.

Книга Три поросенка на английском языке / the three little pigs

Once upon a time, there were three little pigs… И жили три поросёнка в этом варианте сказки со своей свинкой-мамой.

Книга Три поросенка на английском языке / the three little pigs

Но поросята выросли очень большими…

Книга Три поросенка на английском языке / the three little pigs

Поросята отправляются строить свои домики.

Книга Три поросенка на английском языке / the three little pigsКнига Три поросенка на английском языке / the three little pigsКнига Три поросенка на английском языке / the three little pigs

The three little pigs — сказака "Три поросенка" с переводом

Читать, а ещё луч­ше слу­шать сказ­ки – одно из люби­мых заня­тий почти всех детей.

Ска­зоч­ный мир захва­ты­ва­ет вооб­ра­же­ние ребен­ка и помо­га­ет на при­ме­ре вымыш­лен­ных пер­со­на­жей учить­ся раз­ли­чать что хоро­шо, а что пло­хо.

И что­бы сов­ме­стить полез­ное с ещё более полез­ным, про­буй­те читать сказ­ки на англий­ском язы­ке. Ниже опуб­ли­ко­ва­на всем извест­ная поучи­тель­ная исто­рия «Три поро­сен­ка» – The three little pigs.

Книга Три поросенка на английском языке / the three little pigs

The three little pigs

Если Ваш малыш ещё не зна­ет англий­ский алфа­вит и не может читать само­сто­я­тель­но, тогда про­чти­те сказ­ку вы ему. Мож­но пред­ло­жить послу­шать часть на англий­ском язы­ке и пред­ло­жить ребен­ку пере­ве­сти содер­жа­ние, если в этом есть необ­хо­ди­мость. А если сюжет­ная линия понят­на или зна­ко­ма, тогда мож­но не пре­ры­ва­ясь дочи­тать до кон­ца истории.

Часть 1

The three little pigs are brothers. They are going into the forest. They want to build three houses. «Let’s build our houses here,» says the first little pig, Percy. «Yes,» says the second little pig, Peter. «That’s a good idea,» says the third little pig, Patrick.

The first little pig, Percy, gets some straw and he starts to build a house of straw. He sings, «Hum de hum, dum de dum, hee de dum, dee de hum,» when he works. The second little pig, Peter, gets some wood and he starts to build a house of wood.

He sings, «Hum de hum, dum de dum, hee de dum, dee de hum,» when he works. The third pig, Patrick, is very clever. He gets some bricks and he starts to build a house of bricks. He sings, «Hum de hum, dum de dum, hee de dum, dee de hum,» when he works. Now all the houses are ready.

The three little pigs make a fence and they paint it red.

Часть 2

Книга Три поросенка на английском языке / the three little pigsСказ­ка «Три поросенка»

But a big bad wolf lives in the forest. Every day the wolf watches the pigs. He is hungry and he wants to eat them. He looks at the house of straw and he says, «I can smell a little pig. I want to eat him for my dinner,». The big bad wolf jumps over the red fence. He goes to the house of straw and he knocks on the door. «Can I come in, little pig? I’m not very big!» he says. But Percy sees it is a big bad wolf. He says, «Go away! You can’t come in. You’re a big bad wolf, you horrible thing.» But the wolf blows and blows and the house falls down. «Help!» shouts Percy. He runs to his brother Peter’s house. Now the wolf is very hungry. He wants his dinner. He runs to the house of wood and he knocks on the door. «Can I come in, little pigs? I’m not very big!» he says. But Percy and Peter say, «Go away! You can’t come in. You’re the big bad wolf, you horrible thing.» But the wolf blows and blows and the house falls down. «Help!» shout Percy and Peter. They run to their brother Patrick’s house.

Часть 3

Now the wolf runs to the house of bricks. The three little pigs are in the house. He knocks on the door. «Can I come in, little pigs? I’m not very big!» he says. Percy, Peter and Patrick say, «Go away! You can’t come in. You’re the big, bad wolf, you horrible thing.» The wolf blows and blows, and he blows and blows again, but the house doesn’t fall down.

It’s a house of bricks and it’s very strong. The wolf sits down and thinks. «I can wait,» he says. The three little pigs, Percy, Peter and Patrick are in the house. They are hungry. «The wolf is waiting. We can’t go out. We can’t get dinner,» says Percy. «What can we do?» asks Peter. «Don’t be sad. It’s OK,» says the clever pig, Patrick. «I’ve got an idea. Let’s make a fire.

» The three little pigs make a big fire.

Часть 4

The three little pigs are in the house. There is a lot of smoke from the fire. «Oh no! We can’t go out! What can we do?» says Peter. «It’s OK,» says Patrick, «Listen and watch…» He goes to the door and he shouts, «The wolf is waiting. He isn’t very clever. He can come down the chimney and eat us.

» The wolf is listening. «That a good idea,» he thinks. «I’m a clever wolf,» thinks the big bad wolf. «I don’t want to wait here. I want to eat the pigs.» He goes down the chimney. The three little pigs hear the wolf in the chimney.

They wait… there is a big CRASH! The big bad wolf falls into the fire! Oh dear! The poor wolf!

Книга Три поросенка на английском языке / the three little pigsСказ­ка «Три поросенка»

Часть 5

The three little pigs are very happy because the wolf is not there. They start to build a big new house. «Let’s make a house of bricks,» says Patrick. «Oh, yes. Straw and wood aren’t very good,» says Peter.

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«We don’t want this house to fall down!» says Percy. The three little pigs build a big new house. It’s very strong. They make a fence and they paint it red.

They sing, «Hum de hum, dum de dum, hee de dum, dee de hum,» when they work.

The End

Три поросенка (перевод)

Исполь­зуй­те пере­вод, толь­ко если ваш ребе­нок про­сит об этом. Как пра­ви­ло дети очень лег­ко инте­гри­ру­ют­ся в новую язы­ко­вую сре­ду, хотя отдель­ных слов могут и не знать.

Часть 1

Три поро­сён­ка бра­тья. Они направ­ля­ют­ся в лес. Они хотят постро­ить три дома. «Давай­те постро­им наши дома здесь» гово­рит пер­вый поро­сё­нок, Пер­си. «Да» гово­рит вто­рой поро­сё­нок, Питер. «Это хоро­шая мысль» гово­рит тре­тий поро­сё­нок, Пат­рик.

Пер­вый поро­сё­нок, Пер­си, соби­ра­ет соло­му и начи­на­ет стро­ить дом из соло­мы. Он поёт: «Хай де хам, дам де дам, хи де дам, ди де хам» когда стро­ит. Вто­рой поро­сё­нок, Питер, добы­ва­ет дре­ве­си­ну и начи­на­ет стро­ить дом из дере­ва.

Он поёт: «Хай де хам, дам де дам, хи де дам, ди де хам» когда стро­ит. Тре­тий поро­сё­нок, Пат­рик, очень умный. Он добы­ва­ет кир­пи­чи и начи­на­ет стро­ить дом из кир­пи­чей. Он поёт: «Хай де хам, дам де дам, хи де дам, ди де хам» когда стро­ит. Теперь все доми­ки гото­вы.

Три поро­сён­ка ста­вят забор и они кра­сят его красным.

Часть 2

Книга Три поросенка на английском языке / the three little pigsТри поро­сен­ка

Но в том лесу живёт боль­шой злой волк. Каж­дый день волк наблю­да­ет за поро­ся­та­ми. Он голо­ден и хочет съесть их. Он смот­рит на дом из соло­мы и гово­рит: «Я чую поро­сён­ка. Я хочу съесть его на обед». Боль­шой злой волк пере­пры­ги­ва­ет через крас­ный забор. Он идёт к дому из соло­мы и сту­чит­ся в дверь. «Я могу вой­ти, поро­сё­нок? Я не очень боль­шой!» гово­рит он. Но Пер­си видит, что это боль­шой злой волк. Он гово­рит, «Ухо­ди! Тебе нель­зя вхо­дить. Ты боль­шой злой волк, ты ужа­сен». Но волк как дует, поду­ет и домик раз­ва­ли­ва­ет­ся. «На помощь!» кри­чит Пер­си. Он бежит к доми­ку бра­та Пите­ра. Волк уже очень голо­ден. Он хочет свой обед. Он бежит к доми­ку из дере­ва и сту­чит­ся в дверь. «Я могу вой­ти, поро­ся­та? Я не очень боль­шой!» гово­рит он. Но Пер­си и Питер отве­ча­ют: «Ухо­ди! Тебе нель­зя вхо­дить. Ты боль­шой злой волк, ты ужа­сен». Но волк как дует, поду­ет и домик раз­ва­ли­ва­ет­ся. «На помощь!» кри­чат Пер­си и Питер. Они бегут к доми­ку бра­та Патрика.

Часть 3

Теперь волк бежит к дому из кир­пи­ча. Три поро­сён­ка нахо­дят­ся в доме. Он сту­чит­ся в дверь. «Я могу вой­ти, поро­ся­та? Я не очень боль­шой!» гово­рит он. Пер­си, Питер и Пат­рик отве­ча­ют: «Ухо­ди! Тебе нель­зя вхо­дить. Ты боль­шой, злой волк, ты ужа­сен». Волк как дует, поду­ет, дует, и сно­ва поду­ет, но дом не раз­ва­ли­ва­ет­ся. Это домик из кир­пи­ча и он очень проч­ный.

Волк сидит и дума­ет. «Я могу подо­ждать» гово­рит он. Три поро­сён­ка, Пер­си, Питер и Пат­рик сидят в доме. Они хотят есть. «Волк ждёт. Мы не можем вый­ти. Мы не можем пообе­дать» гово­рит Пер­си. «Что нам делать?» спра­ши­ва­ет Питер. «Не гру­сти­те. Всё хоро­шо» гово­рит умный поро­сё­нок, Пат­рик. «У меня есть идея. Давай­те раз­ве­дём огонь». Три поро­сён­ка раз­во­дят боль­шой огонь.

Часть 4

Три поро­сён­ка сидят в доме. В нём мно­го дыма от огня. «Ох нет! Мы не можем вый­ти! Что нам делать?» гово­рит Питер. «Всё хоро­шо.» гово­рит Пат­рик «Слу­шай­те и смот­ри­те…». Он идёт к две­ри и кри­чит: «Волк ждёт. Он не очень умный. Он может может спу­стить­ся в дымо­ход и съесть нас».

Волк слу­ша­ет. «Это хоро­шая мысль» дума­ет он. «Я умный волк» дума­ет боль­шой злой волк. «Я не хочу здесь ждать. Я хочу съесть этих поро­сят». Он спус­ка­ет­ся по дымо­хо­ду. Три поро­сён­ка слы­шат вол­ка в дымо­хо­де.

Они ждут… слы­шит­ся боль­шой ГРОХОТ! Боль­шой злой волк пада­ет в огонь! О боже! Бед­ный волк!

Часть 5

Книга Три поросенка на английском языке / the three little pigsТри поро­сен­ка игра­ют и поют

Три поро­сён­ка очень счаст­ли­вы, пото­му что вол­ка боль­ше нет. Они начи­на­ют стро­ить новый боль­шой дом. «Давай­те постро­им дом из кир­пи­чей» гово­рит Пат­рик. «Ох, да(согласен). Соло­мен­ный и дере­вян­ный не очень проч­ный» гово­рит Питер. «Мы не хотим, что­бы этот дом раз­ва­лил­ся!» гово­рит Пер­си. Три поро­сён­ка стро­ят боль­шой новый дом. Он очень проч­ный. Они ста­вят забор и они кра­сят его в крас­ный. Они поют: «Хай де хам, дам де дам, хи де дам, ди де хам» когда строят.


The story of the three little pigs

Читайте известную детскую сказку «Три поросенка» на английском языке в оригинале. Онлайн-словарь поможет быстро перевести любые слова. Добавляйте незнакомые английские слова в личный словарь и возвращайтесь к ним позже для тренировки. Приятного чтения!

Once upon a time when pigs spoke rhyme And monkeys chewed tobacco, And hens took snuff to make them tough, And ducks went quack, quack, quack, O!

  • There was an old sow with three little pigs, and as she had not enough to keep them, she sent them out to seek their fortune. The first that went off met a man with a bundle of straw, and said to him:
  • “Please, man, give me that straw to build me a house.”

Книга Три поросенка на английском языке / the three little pigs

  1. Which the man did, and the little pig built a house with it. Presently came along a wolf, and knocked at the door, and said:
  2. “Little pig, little pig, let me come in.”
  3. To which the pig answered:
  4. “No, no, by the hair of my chiny chin chin.”
  5. The wolf then answered to that:
  6. “Then I'll huff, and I'll puff, and I'll blow your house in.”
  7. So he huffed, and he puffed, and he blew his house in, and ate up the little pig.
  8. The second little pig met a man with a bundle of furze, and said:
  9. “Please, man, give me that furze to build a house.”
  10. Which the man did, and the pig built his house. Then along came the wolf, and said:
  11. “Little pig, little pig, let me come in.”
  12. “No, no, by the hair of my chiny chin chin.”
  13. “Then I'll puff, and I'll huff, and I'll blow your house in.”
  14. So he huffed, and he puffed, and he puffed, and he huffed, and at last he blew the house down, and he ate up the little pig.
  15. The third little pig met a man with a load of bricks, and said:
  16. “Please, man, give me those bricks to build a house with.”
  17. So the man gave him the bricks, and he built his house with them. So the wolf came, as he did to the other little pigs, and said:
  18. “Little pig, little pig, let me come in.”
  19. “No, no, by the hair of my chiny chin chin.”
  20. “Then I'll huff, and I'll puff, and I'll blow your house in.”
  21. Well, he huffed, and he puffed, and he huffed and he puffed, and he puffed and huffed; but he could not get the house down. When he found that he could not, with all his huffing and puffing, blow the house down, he said:
  22. “Little pig, I know where there is a nice field of turnips.”

“Where?” said the little pig.

“Oh, in Mr. Smith's Home-field, and if you will be ready tomorrow morning I will call for you, and we will go together, and get some for dinner.”

“Very well,” said the little pig, “I will be ready. What time do you mean to go?”

  • “Oh, at six o'clock.”
  • Well, the little pig got up at five, and got the turnips before the wolf came (which he did about six) and who said:
  • “Little Pig, are you ready?”

The little pig said: “Ready! I have been and come back again, and got a nice potful for dinner.”

Читайте также:  Книги на английском языке — адаптированная английская литература

The wolf felt very angry at this, but thought that he would be up to the little pig somehow or other, so he said:

“Little pig, I know where there is a nice apple-tree.”

“Where?” said the pig.

“Down at Merry-garden,” replied the wolf, “and if you will not deceive me I will come for you, at five o'clock tomorrow and get some apples.”

Well, the little pig bustled up the next morning at four o'clock, and went off for the apples, hoping to get back before the wolf came; but he had further to go, and had to climb the tree, so that just as he was coming down from it, he saw the wolf coming, which, as you may suppose, frightened him very much. When the wolf came up he said:

“Little pig, what! are you here before me? Are they nice apples?”

“Yes, very,” said the little pig. “I will throw you down one.”

  1. And he threw it so far, that, while the wolf was gone to pick it up, the little pig jumped down and ran home. The next day the wolf came again, and said to the little pig:
  2. “Little pig, there is a fair at Shanklin this afternoon, will you go?”
  3. “Oh yes,” said the pig, “I will go; what time shall you be ready?”

“At three,” said the wolf. So the little pig went off before the time as usual, and got to the fair, and bought a butter-churn, which he was going home with, when he saw the wolf coming. Then he could not tell what to do.

So he got into the churn to hide, and by so doing turned it round, and it rolled down the hill with the pig in it, which frightened the wolf so much, that he ran home without going to the fair.

He went to the little pig's house, and told him how frightened he had been by a great round thing which came down the hill past him. Then the little pig said:

“Hah, I frightened you, then. I had been to the fair and bought a butter-churn, and when I saw you, I got into it, and rolled down the hill.”

Then the wolf was very angry indeed, and declared he would eat up the little pig, and that he would get down the chimney after him.

When the little pig saw what he was about, he hung on the pot full of water, and made up a blazing fire, and, just as the wolf was coming down, took off the cover, and in fell the wolf; so the little pig put on the cover again in an instant, boiled him up, and ate him for supper, and lived happy ever afterwards.

Три поросенка. The Three Little Pigs. (на английском языке) ➠ Наумова Наталья В. | Буквоед ISBN 978-5-8112-6639-5

1 шт.
110 руб.

Сенная площадь Адмиралтейский р-н ул. Ефимова, д. 2, лит. А Торгово-развлекательный комплекс «ПИК», 3 этаж ул. Ефимова, д. 2, лит. А, Торгово-развлекательный комплекс «ПИК», 3 этаж

1 шт.
110 руб.

Приморская Василеостровский р-н Малый проспект В.О., д. 88, корпус 2 А Торгово-развлекательный комплекс «Шкиперский Молл», 1 этаж Малый проспект В.О., д. 88, корпус 2 А, Торгово-развлекательный комплекс «Шкиперский Молл», 1 этаж

1 шт.
110 руб.

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Сказка Три поросенка на английском языке

The instructive fairy tale «Three Little Pigs» tells about three different piglets, whose names were Nif-Nif, Naf-Naf, and Nuf-Nuf. The piglets lived carelessly in the summer, but autumn was approaching, it was worth taking care of cozy and warm houses. The pigs decided to treat this problem in different ways. Naf-Naf began to build a strong and reliable house, and the other piglets continued to have fun. The cold weather came. The two piglets also built themselves houses, but they were very flimsy and cold. One piglet's house was built of straw, the other of twigs.Soon a terrible wolf appeared. Everyone hid in their houses, but the thatched house was easily blown away by the wolf. He also destroyed the second house. The piglets hid in the safe house of the industrious Naf-Naf and began to live together there. A responsible and intelligent piglet saved his brothers.

«Three little pigs (Три поросенка)»

Once there were three little pigs who grew up and left their mother to find homes for themselves. The thirst pig set out and before long he met a man with the bundle of straw. «Please man» said the pig, «Will you let me have that bundle of straw to build my house.» «Yes, here, take it.» Said the kind man.

The little pig was very pleased and at once built himself the house of straw. He had hardly moved in when the wolf came walking by and seeing the new house knocked on the door. «Little pig, little pig» he said «Open up the door and let me in.

» Now the little pig's mother had warned him about strangers so he said «No, not by the hair on my chinny chin chin, I'll not let you in.» «Now I'll huff and I'll puff and I'll blow your house down.» Cried the wolf. But the little pig went on saying «No, not by the hair on my chinny chin chin, I'll not let you in.

» So the old wolf huffed and he puffed and he blew the house down and the little pig run fast as he could back to his mother's house.

The second little pig said goodbye to his mother and set out. Before long he met a man with the bundle of sticks. «Please man» he said, «Will you let me have that bundle of sticks to build my house.» «Yes, you can have it, here it is.» Said the kind man. So the second little pig was very pleased and used the sticks to build himself the house.

He had hardly moved in when the wolf came walking by and knocked at the door. «Little pig, little pig» he said «Open up your door and let me in.» Now the second little pig remembered what his mother had told him so he too said «No, not by the hair on my chinny chin chin, I'll not let you in.

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» «Now I'll huff and I'll puff and I'll blow your house down.

» Cried the wolf. But the little pig went on saying «No, not by the hair on my chinny chin chin, I'll not let you in.

» So again the old wolf huffed and he puffed and he huffed and he puffed this time it was much harder work but finally down came the house and the second little pig had to run as fast as he could back to his mother's house. Then last of all the third little pig set out and met a man with load of bricks.

«Please man» he said, «Will you let me have that load of bricks to build my house.» «Yes, here they are, all for you.» Said the kind man. The third little pig was very pleased and built himself the brick house.

Три поросенка на английском. Часть 1.

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  • Once upon a time there was an old pig with three little pigs, and, as she had not enough to keep them, she sent them out to seek their fortunes.
  • The first that went off met a man with a bundle of straw, and said to him, ‘Please, man, give me that straw to build me a house;’ which the man did, and the little pig built a house with it.
  • Presently a wolf came along and knocked at the door, and said, ‘Little pig, little pig, let me come in!’

To which the pig answered, ‘No, no, by the hair on my chinny-chin-chin!' (ни за что на свете).

  1. This made the wolf angry, and he said, ‘Then I’ll huff, and I’ll puff, and I’ll blow your house in!’
  2. So he huffed, and he puffed, and he blew his house in, and ate up the little pig.
  3. The second little pig met a man who was chopping wood, and said, ‘Please, man, give me some of that wood to build me a house;’ which the man did, and the pig built his house with it.
  4. Then along came the wolf, and said:
  5. ‘Little pig, little pig, let me come in!’
  6. ‘No, no, by the hair on my chinny-chin-chin!’
  7. ‘Then I’ll puff, and I’ll huff, and I’ll blow your house in!’
  8. So he huffed, and he puffed, and he puffed and he huffed, and at last he blew the house down and then ate up the little pig.
  9. The third little pig met a man with a load of bricks, and said, ‘Please, man, give me those bricks to build a house with;’ so the man gave him the bricks, and he built his house with them.
  10. Then the wolf came, as he did to the other little pigs, and said, ‘Little pig, little pig, let me come in!’
  11. ‘No, no, by the hair on my chiny-chin-chin!’
  12. ‘Then I’ll huff, and I’ll puff, and I’ll blow your house in.'
  13. Well, he huffed and he puffed, and he huffed and puffed, and he puffed and huffed; but he could not get the house down.
  14. When he found that he could not with all his huffing and puffing, blow the house down, he said, ‘Little pig, I know where there is a nice field of turnips.'

‘Where?’ said the little pig.

Oh, in Mr. Smith's home field, and if you will be ready to-morrow morning, I will call for you, and we will go together, and get some for dinner.

‘Very well,’ said the little pig, ‘I will be ready. What time do you mean to go?’

‘Oh, at six o'clock.'

Well, the little pig got up at five, and got the turnips before the wolf came — which he did about six — and said, ‘Little pig, are you ready?’

The little pig said, ‘Ready! I have been, and come back again, and got a nice pot-full for dinner!’

The wolf felt very angry at this, but thought he would be up to the little pig somehow or other, so he said, ‘Little pig, I know where there is a nice pear tree.'

‘Where?’ said the pig.

‘Down at Merry-Garden,’ replied the wolf, ‘and if you will not deceive me, I will come for you at five o'clock tomorrow, and we will go together and get some pears.'

Три поросенка, аудио сказка на английском языке

Сказка The Three Little Pigs. Источник: https://english5minutes.ru/Сказка The Three Little Pigs. Источник: https://english5minutes.ru/Три поросёнка , Three Little Pigs — одна из самых популярных детских сказок на английском языке.

Сюжет «Трёх поросят» восходит к английскому фольклору; литературные версии «Трёх поросят» известны с XIX века и входят, в частности, в книгу «Детские стишки и истории» («Nursery Rhymes and Nursery Tales»), изданные в Лондоне в 1843 году Джеймсом Холивеллом-Филлипсом, известные у нас в переложении американского журналиста и писателя Джоэля Харриса как «Сказки дядюшки Римуса » (Атланта, 1881 год).

Три поросенка слушать и смотреть на английском

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The Three Little Pigs  is a fable about three pigs who build three houses of different materials. A Big Bad Wolf blows down the first two pigs’ houses, made of straw and sticks respectively, but is unable to destroy the third pig’s house, made of bricks.

Printed versions date back to the 1840s, but the story itself is thought to be much older. The phrases used in the story, and the various morals drawn from it, have become embedded in Western culture. Many versions of The Three Little Pigs have been recreated or have been modified over the years, sometimes making the wolf a kind character.

It is a type B124 folktale in the Aarne–Thompson classification system.

Три поросенка – это сказка о трех поросятах, которые строят три дома из разных материалов. Большой Злой Волк сносит первые два поросячьих домика, сделанные из соломы и палок соответственно, но не может разрушить третий поросячий домик, сделанный из кирпича.

Печатные версии датируются 1840-ми годами, но сама история считается гораздо более старой. Фразы, использованные в этой истории, и различные моральные принципы, взятые из нее, стали неотъемлемой частью западной культуры.

Существует много версии Трех Маленьких поросят, они воссоздавались и изменялись на протяжении многих лет, иногда делая волка добрым персонажем. Эта сказка относится к типу В124 в системе классификации Аарне–Томпсона.


Главная мысль сказки Три поросенка предостерегает читателей: привычка жить одним днем может привести к плохим последствиям. Ответственность, трудолюбие, рассудительность, прилежание в любом деле – вот качества, которые нужно в себе воспитывать, чтобы не попасть в критическую ситуацию подобно персонажам сказки.

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